Google Assistant Can Now Send Money Using Google Pay

Google has announced that users in the US would be able to send or request money from the contacts on their Android device or iPhone just by giving Google Assistant a voice command that starts with "Hey Google".

"You can ask your Google Assistant to pay your friends back with Google Pay. You can easily send or request money from your contacts for free - using the Assistant on Android and iOS phones in the US," Sam Kansara, Product Manager, Google Pay, wrote in a blog post late on Thursday.

"To get started, just say 'Hey Google, request $20 from Sam for the show tonight' or 'Hey Google, send Jane $15 for lunch today' and let your Google Assistant do the rest," Kansara added.
Users who do not have a Google Pay account would be prompted to set one up the first time they want to send money.

Google said that in the coming months, users will be able to send money on voice-activated speakers like Google Home as well.

Transactions made via Google Assistant would require authentication beyond just your voiceprint to send money, either with their Google password or fingerprint, according to The Verge.
The tech giant has not made clear if the new feature would be rolled to other countries, including India.

Meanwhile, Facebook-owned WhatsApp is also testing a new payments feature in India that aims to allow people to send money to their friends on the app.

The feature is currently in beta, but has not been publicly announced because it is not widely available at this time, TechCrunch had reported.

Blockchain Being Used to Share Child Pornography, Researchers Say

German researchers have found about 1,600 files of non-financial data, some of which link to or contain child pornography and other objectionable material, on the system that stores Bitcoin transactions.

The discovery could place certain users of the Bitcoin network in legal jeopardy, the researchers said, and could pose an obstacle for greater adoption and mainstream acceptance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin "miners" and people who have volunteered to use their computers to maintain the network may be liable for the possession of illegal content, the researchers said. But people who own and trade Bitcoin but don't participate in the Bitcoin network are not directly affected.

The researchers analysed about 1,600 files on Bitcoin's blockchain, the public ledger that serves as the infrastructure for cryptocurrency transactions. Most of the files were harmless, the researchers concluded, but some contained copyright violations and the disclosure of people's identifiable information, and at least eight files had sexual content. Some files depict or link to "mildly pornographic content," and two files contain 274 links to child pornography websites, the researchers found. Another file is believed to depict a nude image of a minor, the researchers said.

"We thus believe that future blockchain designs must proactively cope with objectionable content," the researchers from Aachen University and Goethe University Frankfurt wrote in their research paper, which was presented last month at an international conference on financial cryptography in Curacao.

Experts say that the files likely got there when people added the material as notes to transactions or inserted them as if they were transactions themselves. People using the blockchain can add non-financial data to describe a transaction's purpose, insert benign messages or record information for other financial services. Anyone with access to the Bitcoin software has the ability to upload content to the blockchain, including miners, exchanges and other individual users.
It isn't known who uploaded the offending material. The seven researchers did not respond to a request for comment.

Although users on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube may see objectionable content posted by others, people who maintain aspects of blockchain-based systems may actually be in possession of such content even if they did not produce it themselves. That's because people who maintain the Bitcoin network have to download the entire blockchain or parts of it.

"Since all blockchain data is downloaded and persistently stored by users, they are liable for any objectionable content added to the blockchain by others," the researchers said. It's difficult to pinpoint who added the objectionable files because users on the Bitcoin blockchain are pseudonymous and can generate a new address for every transaction.

The researchers said there is legislation in several countries, including the United States, that suggests that illegal content held on the blockchain would be unlawful to possess for all its users. The researchers suggested that technologists creating new blockchain designs could address these issues, perhaps by preventing people from inserting such files or halting their spread, to protect users from potential liability.

Christian Catalini, a professor and founder of MIT's Cryptoeconomics Lab, said that the offensive material the researchers found in the blockchain does not present a major problem right now because the blockchain was not designed as a large-scale file storage system - meaning it's still hard for people to use it to post offensive content. But as developers create new blockchains primarily for hosting files, the posting of offensive material could become an issue, he said.

As with certain communications platforms on the web - such as social media, blog platforms and chat forums - engineers could set rules or create filters for illicit material. "The choice of accessing all sorts of content already exists, and that is a result of having the internet," Catalini said. "What's novel here is we have a new technology, but the solution is the same."

While Bitcoin's value soared last year, the cryptocurrency market has faced heightened scrutiny, even as more people are turning to virtual currencies as an investment option. Google said recently that it will ban cryptocurrency-related advertisements on its platform, following a similar decision by Facebook earlier this year, in an attempt to stem misleading ads. The Federal Trade Commission is also cracking down on alleged cryptocurrency schemes and filed a lawsuit last week.

As of Wednesday, the total market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies was more than $350 billion, according to the cryptocurrency tracker

YouTube Used By 80 Percent of Internet Users in India, Says Google

With the increasing penetration of smartphones, data becoming affordable and ever-growing availability of content, 80 percent of Internet users across all age-groups in the country are accessing YouTube, Google India has said.

Google highlighted how YouTube is associated with India's Internet growth story at "Brandcast 2018" event as it celebrated its 10th anniversary in the country since its launch in 2008.

"For brands, YouTube is now an end-to-end platform and as per the December 2017 'ComScore Video Metrix Multi-Platform' it reaches 85 percent of all highly engaged Internet users, in the 18 years and above age-group," Rajan Anandan, Vice-President, South East Asia and India, Google, said in a statement.

Touching 225 million monthly active users on mobile alone, India is one of the fastest-growing countries for the video platform, the company said.

"We now have more than 300 channels with over a million subscribers, from just 16 channels in 2014. We will continue to invest in programmes to support creators, and encourage more diversity and distribution of their content," said Robert Kyncl, Chief Business Officer, YouTube.

The total number of online video consumers is expected to reach 500 million by 2020, the company said citing a report by FICCI-EY.

Facebook Said to Have a 'Secret Police' to Catch and Punish Leakers

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly deployed "secret police" to catch and punish information leakers at his company.

According to a report in The Guardian, an unnamed employee was called to a meeting in 2017 under the guise of a promotion. However, he found himself face to face with the secretive "rat-catching" team led by Sonya Ahuja, the company's head of investigations.

The team had records of screenshots he had taken, links he had clicked or hovered over.
The "secret police" also accessed chats between him and a journalist dating back to before he joined the company.

"It's horrifying how much they know. You go into Facebook and it has this warm, fuzzy feeling of 'we're changing the world' and 'we care about things'.

"But you get on their bad side and all of a sudden you are face to face with [Facebook CEO] Mark Zuckerberg's secret police," the employee told The Guardian.

According to the report, Zuckerberg hosts weekly meetings where he shares details of unreleased new products and strategies in front of thousands of employees.

"When you first get to Facebook you are shocked at the level of transparency. You are trusted with a lot of stuff you don't need access to," the employee was quoted as saying.

During one of Zuckerberg's weekly meetings in 2015, said the report, he had warned employees: "We're going to find the leaker, and we're going to fire them."

According to a Facebook spokesperson "companies routinely use business records in workplace investigations, and we are no exception".

Not just Facebook, James Damore, the software engineer who was fired from Google after writing a controversial anti-diversity memo, "suspects he was being monitored by the company during his final days".

James Damore stopped using his personal Gmail account after being fired, said the report.

WhatsApp for Android Now Lets You Add Group Description, Search Participants, Switch to Video Call

WhatsApp for Android has been updated with a couple of new group-focused features. There is the ability to let users add a description to a group. This was debuted on the beta versions for WhatsApp for Android and Windows Phone. The app also includes an option to enable searching of group participants directly from the Group Info screen. Users can now also switch from a voice call to a video call, by tapping a button.

Among other features, the option to add a description to a group is designed to give group members a way to know about an important information or the topic of the group. Group descriptions are available on the chat screen as a pinned box and are also visible when inviting someone via the group's invite link. The feature was initially a part of the WhatsApp beta version 2.18.54 on Android and WhatsApp beta version 2.18.28 on Windows Phone.

To add a description, go to Group Info screen and then tap Add group description option that is available below the group name. The description can notably be in as long as 512 characters.

In addition to the way to add a description to a group, the updated WhatsApp for Android has a search bar on the Group Info screen that allows users to search the list of group participants. WhatsApp for iPhone received the same search feature earlier this month.

The updated WhatsApp for Android lastly includes an easy switching experience between voice and video calls. There is a video button that appears during voice calls to let users switch from a voice call to a video call. This was first seen in the WhatsApp beta for Android in January, and came to the iPhone version in February.

Microsoft Offering Up to $250,000 for Identifying Chip Bugs Like Spectre, Meltdown

Microsoft is offering up to $250,000 for identifying bugs that are similar to the Meltdown and Spectre CPU flaws.

The offering is part of Microsoft's new limited-time bug bounty programme for "speculative execution" side-channel vulnerabilities.

"This new class of vulnerabilities was disclosed in January 2018 and represented a major advancement in the research in this field," Microsoft said in a blog post on Wednesday.
"In recognition of that threat environment change, we are launching a bounty programme to encourage research into the new class of vulnerability and the mitigations Microsoft has put in place to help mitigate this class of issues," it added.

"Speculative execution is truly a new class of vulnerabilities, and we expect that research is already underway exploring new attack methods," said Phillip Misner, a security group manager at Microsoft.
The bug bounty programme is open till December 31.
Intel recently confirmed a report about a potential security flaw in its chips that is vulnerable to hacking.

According to security researchers, two CPU-level vulnerabilities Spectre and Meltdown have affected most chips made in the last two decades by Intel, as well as some by AMD and ARM Holdings.
Following the news of the bugs getting out, all major tech players such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, including Intel, released security patches to help protect users from potential data theft.

Facebook Finalises Deal With Warner for Music Streaming

Facebook on Friday announced a licensing deal with Warner Music, the last of the major label groups to sign with the social media behemoth which is promising more personalised music. The 2 billion users of Facebook will soon be able to post in more creative ways with the catalogue of Warner, whose artist roster includes Ed Sheeran, Coldplay and the late Prince.

"Our partnership with Facebook will help expand the universe of music streaming and create supplementary revenue for artists," said Ole Obermann, chief digital officer of the Warner Music Group.

"Fan-created video is one of the most personal, social and often viral ways that music is enjoyed, but its commercial potential is largely untapped," he said in a statement.
Warner said it had been holding out for "the best possible deal" after its two rivals, Universal Music and Sony Music, signed deals with Facebook in recent months.
Facebook has said that it is looking at more personalised ways in which users can post music, including through Messenger and Instagram, the picture-driven social media platform owned by Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg's company has largely taken a back seat on music streaming as other mega-companies such as Apple and Google invest heavily in the growing sector.
While music postings are omnipresent on Facebook, the company has sought to take down embedded content that is copyrighted without licensing.
Fans, when not uploading their own homemade videos, link to other sites such as YouTube and Spotify.

Apple Facing Patent Lawsuit Over Siri's Natural Language Capabilities

Non-practicing entity Portal Communications has filed a lawsuit against Apple for alleged infringement of three patents related to natural language voice query systems - the technology being used by the iPhone-maker in its products in the form of the Siri virtual assistant.

According to tech website AppleInsider, in its filing with the Eastern Texas District Court, Portal Communications said that the three related patents were invented by Dave Bernard, CEO of technology solutions firm The Intellection Group. All the patents titled "Multimodal natural language query system and architecture for processing voice and proximity-based queries," were transferred from The Intellection Group to Portal Communications in January.

The company alleged that Apple's Siri infringes on each of the patents-in-suit, as the voice assistant is capable of understanding - or makes an attempt to understand - natural language queries and returns their answers.

Portal Communications' complaint targets all iPhone and iPad models, Mac computers dating back to 2009, iPod touch, Apple Watch Series 3, the fourth-generation Apple TV, Apple TV 4K and HomePod.

Along with devices not compatible with Siri, including iPhones older than the iPhone 4S and iPads older than the third-generation model, the suit targets devices running iOS 3.1 or later, but does not specify what programmes or technologies are in infringement. Siri debuted with iOS 5, the report said.

Apple purchased Siri in 2010 and integrated it into its products' hardware with iPhone 4S in 2011 - nearly three years after one of the patents was granted. The company expanded the voice assistant's capabilities to its other devices, including iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and its smart speaker HomePod.
Each patent deals with methods of parsing user queries from natural language patterns into machine decipherable commands -- in the form of voice or text. It also details the methods of further processing requests using GPS location data, or other proximity information, to provide a context and environment for narrowing down a response.

Parsing is the method of receiving input in the form of sequential source programme instructions, interactive online commands, markup tags, or some other defined interface and then breaking them up into parts that can be managed by other programmes and return a meaningful response.
A non-practicing entity (NPE) is someone who holds a patent for a product or process but has no intentions of developing it.

Microsoft to Bring 'S Mode' to Existing Windows 10 Versions in 2019

Microsoft is set to move Windows 10 S from a dedicated operating system to merely a mode for existing Windows 10 versions in 2019. The new development, which was initially a part of the rumour mill, has now been confirmed by Microsoft VP Joe Belfiore. The Redmond giant launched Windows 10 S in May last year as a lightweight version of Windows 10 - targeting schools and other institutions - to take on Google's Chrome OS.

Belfiore, in a tweet on Wednesday, said, "Next year, 10 S will be a 'mode' of existing versions, not a distinct version." By switching to the new 'S Mode', your Windows 10 system will no longer be able to install apps from any third-party sources and will instead only accept apps from Microsoft Store. Also, the apps will run in a limited nature, just as they perform operations on Windows 10 S operating system.

The tweet posted by Belfiore also confirms that Microsoft is planning to bring the S Mode to all existing Windows 10 versions, including Windows 10 Home, Enterprise, and Pro. It was previously rumoured that Windows 10 Home users with the by default enabled S Mode will be able to switch to the full-fledged Windows 10 Home for free, while the users with S Mode will need to pay $49 to get access to Windows 10 Pro.

It is worth pointing out here that Windows 10 S machines already have the option to switch to a full Windows 10 version. Microsoft even last year offered a chance to all Windows 10 S users to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro for free. That free upgrade was recently extended until March 2018.

Twitter Working to Fix Cryptocurrency Scam Issue

As the issue of copying verified Twitter accounts to trick cryptocurrency users is becoming increasingly prevalent, the microblogging company has said that it is working to curb the rise of these copycat handles.

Company CEO Jack Dorsey on Tuesday replied to a tweet that complained about the ongoing cryptocurrency scam on Twitter in which several users have been tricked and their digital assets stolen.

"We are on it," Dorsey replied to a user who questioned the CEO if the company was taking note of it, reported.
On February 26, Dorsey had said that his company was aware of the issue and they "are fixing" the problem.

Several users have been complaining about being duped on Twitter by fraudulent offers that promise huge amount of Ether cryptocurrency in return of small initial deposits.
These offers are being made by accounts that mimic well-known industry members and have a "blue tick" (verified account).

As a preventive measure, Twitter had banned several accounts, including the support team for cryptocurrency exchange Kraken despite them triying to warn others about the scam. On Tuesday, the ban on Kraken's customer support handle was lifted.

"Good news, guys! @krakensupport is back! Strange that our initial appeal was also apparently handled by an automated system. Thank you all for your public outrage. Stay vigilant," it announced.
According to the report, the scam began after an influencer posted a tweet regarding a fraudulent offer which was followed by similarly designed accounts.

In order to make the posts seem more legitimate, the spam accounts posted supportive messages, claiming that they have received the returns.
On seeing that the threads were posted by "verified accounts", people fell in the trap and lost digital assets.

Japan Penalises Several Cryptocurrency Exchanges After Hack

The Japanese government is slapping penalties on several cryptocurrency exchanges in the country, after JPY 58 billion of virtual coins were lost earlier this year from hacking.

The Financial Services Agency, which has been checking the exchanges, said Thursday that FSHO and Bit Station exchanges were ordered to halt operations for a month.

It said FSHO was not properly monitoring trades and had not carried out employee training. The agency said it found that a Bit Station employee had taken Bitcoins for personal use.

Five other exchanges, including Coincheck, targeted in the massive hacking, were ordered to improve their operations.

Coincheck had received a similar order earlier to beef up security measures.
Japan is unusual in the world for embracing cryptocurrencies and setting up a licensing system to oversee their use.

The exchanges ordered to improve their operations must file a plan to the agency by March 22.
The theft at Coincheck of the NEM currency was the second major hacking assault on a Japanese crypto exchange after the Mt. Gox debacle in 2014.

But Japan has chosen to seize the opportunity and regulate exchanges, setting up a licensing system last year, although experts say such measures are no guarantee against hacking and cybercrime.
Japan has officially licensed 16 virtual-currency exchanges, and more, including Coincheck, are applying for licenses. As much as half of the world's Bitcoin trading is estimated to be in yen.
Some countries like China are cracking down on virtual currencies, while other countries like the US have been cautious, encouraging their use in limited ways.

Japan has been far more accommodating to cryptocurrencies, attracting new businesses in the technology called blockchain.

TV ads and billboard posters sing the praise of Bitcoin, although they come with warnings, in fine print, to invest at your own risk.

God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro Release Date and Price Announced

PS4-exclusive God of War may have been developed with the standard PS4 in mind but that's not stopping Sony from announcing the God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro bundle. As the name suggests, it's in short supply with pre-orders now open at select retailers the world over. The God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro release date is April 20 internationally, three days after the God of War release date of April 17. As for how much it would cost you, Sony says the God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro price is $400.

The God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro bundle has a fully customised Leviathan Grey 1TB PS4 Pro console inspired by God of War protagonist Kratos’ Axe. There's a matching DualShock 4 controller with an insignia to match the console's aesthetic. It also comes with a copy of the game, rather the God of War Day One Edition on Blu-ray disc to be precise. If you find it too ostentatious, there's a PS4 Slim 1TB console that comes with God of War on disc, it's also out on April 20.
In addition to this, Sony also explained what PS4 Pro enhancements you can expect in God of War.

God of War PS4 Pro enhancements

"When played on PS4 Pro with a 4K TV, God of War outputs at 2160p. Players with HDR displays can experience God of War with HDR lighting and a wide colour gamut," a post on Sony's blog claims. No information on frame rate has been mentioned nor are there any details on modes to prioritise image quality over frame rate and vice versa. Though it's likely to be a 30fps experience through and through.

What is the God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro India price and release date?

Of late Sony India has been aggressive with its bundles for the country. We've seen Call of Duty World War 2's camouflage PS4 make it to India as well as Glacier White, Silver, and Gold versions of the PS4 Slim. If the God of War Limited Edition PS4 Pro releases in India, expect it to be priced at Rs. 41,990 which is what a regular PS4 Pro costs in the country. Granted it's a lot steeper than the $400 price internationally, but that's due to India's pricing falling in line with Europe where the console costs 400 Euros. Throw in an increase in customs duty after the 2018 Union Budget and you have an expensive proposition for many which may ensure it doesn't show up at all. As for an exact release date, Gadgets 360 has got in touch with Sony India for comment and will update this post if we hear from the company.

BlackBerry Sues Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Over BBM Patent Infringement

BlackBerry on Tuesday filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook and its WhatsApp and Instagram apps, arguing that they copied technology and features from BlackBerry Messenger.
Litigation over patent infringement is part of BlackBerry Chief Executive John Chen's strategy for making money for the company, which has lost market share in the smartphone market it once dominated.

"Defendants created mobile messaging applications that co-opt BlackBerry's innovations, using a number of the innovative security, user interface, and functionality enhancing features," Canada-based BlackBerry said in a filing with a Los Angeles federal court.

"Protecting shareholder assets and intellectual property is the job of every CEO," BlackBerry spokeswoman Sarah McKinney said in an email. However, she noted that litigation was "not central to BlackBerry's strategy."

The lawsuit followed years of negotiation and BlackBerry has an obligation to shareholders to pursue appropriate legal remedies, she added.
Facebook Deputy General Counsel Paul Grewal said in a statement that the company intended to fight the lawsuit.

"Blackberry's suit sadly reflects the current state of its messaging business," Grewal said. "Having abandoned its efforts to innovate, Blackberry is now looking to tax the innovation of others."
BlackBerry is trying to persuade other companies to pay licencing royalties to use its trove of more than 40,000 global patents on technology including operating systems, networking infrastructure, acoustics, messaging, automotive subsystems, cyber-security and wireless communications.
BlackBerry is also selling cyber-security software for self-driving cars.

BlackBerry sued Nokia Corp in February 2017, alleging infringement of patents relating to 3G and 4G wireless communications technology. That case is still pending in federal court in Delaware.
Last year Qualcomm Inc agreed to pay BlackBerry $940 million to resolve arbitration over royalty payments.

In October 2017 BlackBerry announced a confidential settlement with Blu Products, a Florida-based maker of low-cost mobile devices it had also sued for patent infringement.
© Thomson Reuters 2018

WhatsApp for Android Now Gives You 4,096 Seconds to Delete a Message for Everyone

WhatsApp's long-requested and only recently introduced Delete for Everyone feature looks set to get an update. The most recent WhatsApp beta (v2.18.69) for Android now gives users up to 4,096 seconds (68 minutes and 16 seconds) to delete a message for everyone in a chat. Currently, in stable builds, the window a user has to delete a message for everyone is 420 seconds (or 7 minutes). Depending on how well it's received, this extension can be expected to make its way to the stable build soon. It is also reportedly making its way to the iPhone app soon.

The change was first spotted by WABetaInfo, the WhatsApp update tracking site. The site notes that v2.18.68 WhatsApp beta version for Android includes an update to the Stickers feature that disabled by default - a slight modification of its icon. Since the news was reported on Friday, WhatsApp has released two more beta versions for Android (v2.18.70 and v.2.18.71), and WABetaInfo has spotted new disabled-by-default features like Locked Recording (locking the voice message record button into place when recording), and sticker pack size display.

Another feature WhatsApp was recently spotted in testing, but once again disabled by default, shows whether a message has been forwarded. The Forwarded Message label shows up on top of message if it has been forwarded from another, or same chat. The move if nothing classifies forwards, and could be amongst the first steps to combat spam and fake news. The feature was spotted in WhatsApp beta (v2.18.67) for Android. The same version also brought Stickers to Android - but can't be used.

Android P May Bring Stricter Call Blocking, First Developer Preview Tipped for Mid-March Release

Android P will be the next big upgrade to Google's popular mobile operating system, with an official announcement expected at Google's I/O event later this year. New developments now reveal that Android P Developer Preview 1 may be released as early as mid-March 2018. We can expect the release to happen around March 14, i.e, Pi Day. Additionally, Android P is reported to come with "enhanced call blocking features" that might help users filter spam and unknown calls effectively.

As per a tweet by prolific tipster Evan Blass, Android P Developer Preview 1 will be available for eligible users around mid-March. Some users have speculated that it could be around Pi Day (March 14) considering the software could have a "Pie" moniker. While he does not mention any other details, we can expect the stable build of Android P to be available in the second half of 2018.

Separately, a report by XDA Developers states that Android P might be bringing enhanced call blocking to the native dialler app. AOSP commits, added by a Sony engineer, spotted online show certain new criteria that will allow users to block calls from different sources. The report says these include cases when "The phone number is not in your contacts list", "The phone number is not disclosed by the caller (Private), "The phone number is from a pay phone", "The phone number does not have any caller ID information (unknown/ unidentified)."

The report also claims that the options will appear only if the mobile carrier allows them. Additionally, it is also said that call blocking would not be applicable while making an emergency call. While the feature hasn't yet been merged into the AOSP of Android P, chances of it making it into the final build are highly likely.

Previously, reports have stated that Android P will get features such as native support for iris scanning, support for notch design, native call recording, and ability to hide signal strength (for carriers).